A downloadable game for Windows

CRESCENT OVERLOAD is a short Action 3D platformer with major neo-Y2K inspirations, set inside a virtual wonderland. You play as AL.exe, the newest programmed proto, as she explores YSB2aXJ0dWFsIChyZWFsPykgd29ybGQ with her Gear Scythe.

  • Fast, fluid movement that combines AL.exe's moveset, her Gear Scythe, and the world around you.
  • An intertwined world with enemies, secrets, and shortcuts.
  • Combat which combines movement with bullethell design.
  • A story YWJvdXQgbm9zdGFsZ2lh set in a fictional game.


A movement demo is now available, showcasing the general feel of the game. There is nothing in the way of tutorials or proper levels quite yet. Give it a shot, and if you have any feedback or suggestions, join my Discord!

WASDLeft Stick
CameraMouseRight Stick
AttackLeft Mouse
DashLeft Shift
B or Right Trigger
EraseQLeft Bumper
RefreshERight Bumper
FocusRight Mouse
Left Trigger

Download demo

Crescent Overload Movement Demo 414 MB
Version 1